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Eliminate the Department of Education

“The Department of Education is a great, burbling vat of waste,” says the National Review, and since it spends tens of billions of dollars annually with no measurable benefit, it should be eliminated.
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“The Department of Education is a great, burbling vat of waste,” says the National Review, and since it spends tens of billions of dollars annually with no measurable benefit, it should be eliminated. “The Education Department has done more than waste money. Busy bureaucrats have created reams of paperwork for teachers and administrators, pushed dubious curricula, such as bilingual education, and adopted manifold extra-educational missions. The department’s website lists hundreds of programs that bear little to no relation to schooling, including the ‘Spinal Cord Injuries Model Systems Program,’ the ‘Small Business Innovation Research Program,’…No one checks. There is no accountability. There are no consequences for failure, except perhaps requests for even greater funding next year.”

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