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Farewell to the Man who Reframed IT’s Frontiers

The man who changed the world: Apple founder Steve Jobs dies weeks after quitting as boss of firm he started in his garage. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg praises his “mentor and friend.”
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What’s the Latest Development?

Apple founder Steve Jobs’ death after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer has many reflecting on the mastermind’s legacy and his singularity as a tech trailblazer. Apple’s board of directors issued a statement saying his brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. “The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.”

What’s the Big Idea?

Jobs succeeded in creating an atmosphere of teamwork and togetherness, while also demanding nothing but the best. “His employees notoriously followed him like a messiah, while also cowering from him in fear.” His demand for perfection, however, seems to have inspired the best—with job satisfaction ratings among staff at Apple the highest in the industry.

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