He’s Back! Is Hollywood Ready for Ricky Gervais, Round Two?

It was a year ago that Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globe Awards and joked The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) accepts bribes. That joke certainly ruffled some feathers since a former HFPA publicist had just charged in a lawsuit that the association had accepted “payola,” bribes from studios in exchange for nominations.
Gervais didn’t stop there. Not only did he go after he easy targets like Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson, Gervais went after Hollywood royalty, including Angelina Jolie and Jonny Depp. And now Gervais is back to host his third Golden Globe Awards, despite the fact that one-quarter of HFPA’s members voted against the idea.
Turns out Gervais gets the last laugh. Watch Gervais laugh a lot, and then some more, in this riotous appearance on Big Think.
Watch the video here:
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