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To Go With Those 3D Printers, Affordable 3D Scanners

Among several companies that have announced plans to bring 3D scanning to the masses is Toronto-based Matterform, which is offering a portable device for less than the cost of some tablets.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Toronto-based developers Adam Brandejs and Drew Cox have built what they’re calling on their IndieGogo page “the world’s first truly affordable 3D scanner.” The Photon consists of a small turntable, lasers, and a webcam that together generate a 3D “point cloud” of an object on the turntable, which is then converted into a file format that can be used by a 3D printer. The device folds up for storage and can scan items up to 9.5 inches high and 7.5 inches in diameter.

What’s the Big Idea?

With prices for 3D printers reaching new levels of affordability, several companies have taken it upon themselves to present similarly affordable 3D scanners for those who either don’t have the skill set to design their own models or want to make multiple copies of their child’s latest craft project to share with relatives. Brandejs’ and Cox’s company, Matterform, has already raised the funding it needs to go forward with production, and Photon models offered to early backers have sold out. Interested buyers can place an order for CDN$399 (about US$394).

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