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3 MINUTE SURVEY: Why isn’t your school organization making more progress?

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Why aren’t schools making more progress when it comes to effective implementation and integration of digital technologies? Here’s what K-12 educators usually tell me when asked (list is in no particular order):


  • Lack of adequate funding
  • n

  • Unsupportive state / federal legislators
  • n

  • Teacher / union resistance
  • n

  • Lack of professional development
  • n

  • Ineffective leadership
  • n

  • Lack of time / space within curriculum
  • n

  • Accountability demands of NCLB
  • n

  • Parent / community resistance
  • n


I’m curious about your own situation. So I created a 3–minute survey! Simply click, drag, and drop the items to reorder them.


  1. Take the survey!
  2. n

  3. Follow the results live!
  4. n


Survey closes Thursday, November 19. Hope you’ll participate (and pass this along to others)!



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A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people

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