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Being Old These Days

The good news is, of course, is that the old are living longer and healthier than ever.  But, as I explained, the news in not all good for us old guys in a techno-world full of preferential options for the young.  Here’s the first half, for those who aren’t up to clicking:

The standard of productivity is the basis of our increasingly meritocratic society.  These are the best times ever to be young, smart, pretty, and industrious.  But the pressure is on like never before to be young, smart, pretty, and industrious.  (Not that times were ever that good for the stupid, ugly, and lazy.)  The preferential option for the young inaugurated in the Sixties turns out to have had a technological justification.  The young are the most flexible and techno-savvy among us.  We go to the youngest member of the family—certainly not grandpa, to find out how to use own iphones, ipods, and various other ithings. 

What do the old know that we need to know now?  

Technology seems to obliterate the need for the traditions and for the craftsmanship that they used to be prized for guarding and passing on. 

Our technological standard of productivity increasingly favors the young.  But our technological success is causing our population to age. Sophisticated Americans benefit from constant medical breakthroughs and attentive responses to every newly discovered risk factor.  They’re living longer than ever.  And (except for religious observant Americans and certain immigrant groups) people in the techno-Western world are having fewer and fewer children. That’s partly, at least,  because they don’t want to limit their options by thinking of themselves as parents.  Insofar as I identify being itself with my being, I see no need to generate replacements.

It’s very good news that people are living longer.  There seems to be a new birth of freedom in the growing period between parenting and productivity and debility and death.  That freedom, for prosperous Americans, seems to be for whatever purpose the free individual chooses. 

But, from another view, the individual is productive for a small part of his life, and a dependent for longer (as a child and as an old person) part.  If freedom and dignity are intertwined with productivity, then it may not be so great after all to live a very long time. Will the shrinking number of productive young people be willing or even able to support the increasing number of the unproductive old?  The old, maybe more than ever, seem to be little more than a burden on the young. 

Certainly both the young and the old are aware of the individualistic, meritoratic principle that nobody owes anyone else a living.  And we have plenty of evidence these days that love, all alone, is unreliable.  It’s no wonder that the old do what they can to mask the signs of their age to avoid loneliness and failure.  As Locke himself told us, in an individualistic society the only reliable hold the old have on the young is money.  It’s more important than ever to be rich if you’re going to get very old, as almost all of us hope to do.  But pension systems are collapsing, Medicare is demographically untenable, health care and caregiving costs are skyrocketing, and the stock market’s future is shaky at best.  It’s tougher than ever to have confidence that your money is going to last as long as you are.


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