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HELP WANTED – THE PUSH: English / language arts education blogs

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Thirteen science education blogs and twenty-four math education blogs later, THE PUSH is off to a good start!

Today we work on ENGLISH / LANGUAGE ARTS EDUCATION. What are some excellent English / Language Arts education blogs that P-12 Language Arts educators should be reading? We need both elementary and secondary examples. If you know of some, please add them to the Moving Forward wiki. [note: There’s a separate category on the wiki for English as a Second Language blogs. We’ll get to those later!]

Why are we doing this?

  • To identify blogs that P-12 teachers can use to initially seed (or expand) their RSS readers
  • To create a single location where P-12 educators can go to see excellent subject-oriented educational blogging
  • To highlight excellent disciplinary blogging that deserves larger audiences
  • To learn from disciplines other than our own and get ideas about our own teaching and/or blogging
  • Thanks in advance for helping with this initiative. If we all contribute, two weeks from now we should have a bevy of excellent subject-specific blogs to which we can all point. Please spread the word about THE PUSH!

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