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My latest higher education article for Technology &


, Knowledge


, is now available. The article draws deeply from my previous

blog posts, Linked,



, and The

Future of Academic Publishing


Here are a couple of quotes from

the article:

[T]he system [of academic writing] is fairly clunky. There aren’t easy ways

to tell who the [top scholars] are, nor are there ways to easily find hidden

nuggets of wisdom. . . . Tracking down a new resource from an existing article

or book also is difficult, since readers have to first find the publication

through trial-and-error searching of various databases and then either download

it or track down a print version. Much high-quality writing never sees the light

of day or isn’t cited by anyone because it’s not in the “right place.” We can do

better. . . .

If we can figure out how to get beyond academic publishers’ revenue

protection concerns, the world’s body of scholarly research can be available to

anyone with an Internet connection. That’s a goal worth working


Happy reading!

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