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Participants wanted for the first annual CASTLE summer book club

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I’m going to try something new this summer. I just finished reading Influencer: The power to change anything. It’s possibly the best leadership book that I’ve read in years and I’m itching to discuss it with someone. So I decided to see if I can get an online book club up and running this summer. If you’re interested, read on…


Getting started





  • Keep up with the reading
  • n

  • Be an active participant in our online discussion area
  • n

  • Dissect ideas vigorously but also be nice to other discussants




  1. 6/9 to 6/15 – Part 1 Introduction, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 (44 pages)
  2. n

  3. 6/16 to 6/22 – Chapter 3 (28 pages)
  4. n

  5. 6/23 to 6/29 – Part 2 Introduction and Chapter 4 (38 pages)
  6. n

  7. 6/30 to 7/6 – Chapter 5 (26 pages)
  8. n

  9. 7/7 to 7/13 – Chapter 6 (30 pages)
  10. n

  11. 7/14 to 7/20 – Chapter 7 (26 pages)
  12. n

  13. 7/21 to 7/27 – Chapter 8 (26 pages)
  14. n

  15. 7/28 – 8/3 – Chapter 9 (34 pages)
  16. n

  17. 8/4 to 8/10 – Chapter 10 and Wrap-Up (20 pages)


This offer is open to all leaders and change agents, at whatever level they’re operating (hint: might be a good summer activity for some of your local principals or superintendents?)


I’m looking forward to some powerful discussions. Hope some of you will join me this summer!



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