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Alisa Cohn is an Executive Coach who has worked with C-suite executives at prominent startups (such as Venmo, Etsy, Draft Kings, The Wirecutter, Mack Weldon, and Tory Burch) and Fortune[…]
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DAOs are “decentralized autonomous organizations.” They are decentralized because there is no hierarchy; they are autonomous because people are acting on their own without top-down instruction; and they are organizations because they are not companies.

DAOs are bringing a culture that we have never had before. They are part of Web 3.0, which is based on decentralization. 

Leadership within a DAO looks very different. Since there is no hierarchy, successful leadership requires an ability to influence others and to build coalitions.

ALISA COHN: I'm really interested in the move towards decentralization. And what I've been thinking about lately are DAOs and what that means for leadership. Now, you may now even know what a DAO is, but I think it's really important for all of us to realize that the world is moving much more in networks. So, DAOs, D.A.O: decentralized autonomous organizations. 

Decentralized means there's no hierarchy. People have to form networks together and form coalitions together. Autonomous means that people are acting on their own, not because they're being told what to do. And organizations mean they're not companies. 

So, I'm personally trying to get more insight and experience in leadership inside of 'lateral organizations,' which are decentralized and autonomous. Now, they're a little controversial, but I think it's really important for all of us to recognize that DAOs are bringing to us an ethos and a culture that we haven't had before. DAOs are part of the Web 3.0. You may not have ever heard of Web3. You may not like Web3. But I think what's important is we have to embrace what's going on in the world around us. 

What's really important is that we can benefit a lot from learning the leadership tactics of DAOs- because there are a lot of leaders who are control freaks and don't wanna give anything away, but recognizing that we can't always lead in a hierarchical way, it's important to be a successful leader. And to grow as a leader, we need to increasingly lead using influence, by forming coalitions of people who will help us achieve our goals. And we need to learn how to manage laterally, inside of lateral communities.

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