Is Camel Milk The World’s Next Superfood?

What’s the Latest Development?
Once consumed primarily by Bedouins and others in the Middle East and Africa, camel milk is growing in popularity outside of those areas, most notably in Pakistan, where Karachi vendor Nadeem Mutloob says that he’s struggling to keep up with demand. His is one of several Karachi-based camel milk businesses that have opened in the past year or so, and customers such as Mohammad Ashfaq treat it as a health drink. In Islamabad, some sellers are even offering fresh milk from camels parked alongside their stalls. Other areas with growing camel milk markets include Kenya, Australia, and the US.
What’s the Big Idea?
With three times as much vitamin C as cow’s milk, and high amounts of iron, camel milk is considered by some medical professionals to be well worth the hype. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says that the drink is being prescribed to sick people in various countries, and estimates a potential global market value of $10 billion, providing nomadic herders with “a rich source of income.”
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