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New Device Discreetly Tests Drinks For Date Rape Drugs

A new gadget called the detects date rape drugs that may have been slipped inconspiculously into an unattended drink. The devices are battery powered and can be used repeatedly.
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What’s the Latest?

A new device currently being crowdfunded through Indiegogo could be the most advanced and practical date rape drug detector on the market by early next year. The gadget is called (short for Personal Drink Identification Device) and its discreet size, ease of use, and reusable technology set it apart from other date rape prevention devices. The can also be used in conjunction with a smartphone app that will sometimes be able to identify the exact drug used to spike the drink, as well as offer advice to the user. Check out the crowdsource video below.

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What’s the Big Idea?

Most notable about the is its stunningly simple design. To test a drink, all you have to do is dip the device into the glass and allow it a few seconds to conduct three different tests. The results of these tests are compared to drink databases and will detect the presence of a nefarious foreign substance. The Li-on battery inside the device has enough juice to be used 30-40 times before needing to be recharged. The gadget’s reusability makes it appealing to those who can’t go out and buy a test kit before every social outing.

The crowdsourcing campaign cites a U.S. Justice Dept. estimate that 25% of women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Combatting that percentage is a major goal for’s Canadian developers, who hope to have the device on shelves by April 2015. The only factor that could possibly turn people away? The estimated $75 price. Whether potential users would turn away from a $75 investment remains to be seen.

Check out the Indiegogo

Keep reading at The Daily Beast

Photo credit: Jag_cz / Shutterstock

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