Anxiety disorders are common. Yet, many find current treatments methods only partially effective.
Around 100 million adults in the United States are affected by chronic pain. What can we do about it?
The study also discovered a downside to having a big brain.
There’s a trillion-dollar underground economy hiding in plain sight, says Steven Kotler, and it can be measured in dopamine.
3 min
The pair of papers suggest that sleep is crucial in order to wipe out memories. Yep – it turns out that, sometimes, it’s smart to forget.
A new brain-to-computer interface lets completely locked-in patients tell us how they feel for the first time.
Does a shot of espresso before walking into an exam make a difference?
Part of the rise in autism is due to better diagnosis, but Dr. Emeran Mayer thinks it’s something in our environment, and within us, that has played a role in causing this increase.
8 min
Scientists are finding that loneliness has real medical consequences, and the brain sees it as pain.
MRI study finds brains of ASD subjects are more symmetrical than typical brains, which makes sense.
Whatever you do, don’t look behind you – because the answer isn’t there, says psychologist Alison Gopnik. The real ghosts are glitches in your brain, and in a way, that’s even scarier.
3 min