We need to talk openly about the world we live in because evil thrives on silence and secrecy. I’d go so far as to say that it can’t exist without them.
Urbanization is increasing rapidly, worldwide. It’s good for innovation, but is it good for people?
The sleep of reason brings forth monsters. So does the sleep of imagination.
This isn’t the Matrix. Should you wish to face the ugly reality, there’s no red pill you can swallow.
There is no sense whatsoever that we are on the same page here, working toward some roughly agreed upon vision of a better future.
The trouble with productivity as a value is that it treats a morally ambiguous act as a moral good. What, specifically, do we want to be producing more of?
Is it like that Corn God myth? Do you devour them?
If you have to say “never forget,” you’ve probably already forgotten.
I attacked a famous artist for no apparent reason.
For songwriter and a scientist alike, the delight is in peering into the unknown, reaching in, and pulling some strange, new thing out of the darkness.
Irritation is a powerful force. It has the whiff of righteousness.
It’s subtle and pernicious as hell how this happens. How we transform something that’s supposed to make us more open and balanced into a shiny new prison of things, jargon, and obligations.
Are you Homo Curiosus or Homo Definitus?
“Mansplaining” and “Manspreading,” too, are thriving on the chatterweb. Like “Dadbod,” they satirize a world of ridiculous men who have no idea what’s going on.