Break-ups can be bad for your health. But new research shows that writing about your separation can improve cardiac health—as long as you write in a certain way.
An MIT study predicts when artificial intelligence will take over for humans in different occupations.
If you want to be a memory champion, this test is a good way to get started. Then maybe we can get a start on curing Alzheimer’s.
A new study discovers why whales grew to be the largest animals on our planet.
High school junior Caitlin is worried. She wants to be a scientist but is struggling with it a little bit in school—is there hope for her career?
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Want to think more creatively? Move your body, and move away from your emotional baseline—in any direction.
Studies reveal the impact of strategic thinking on studying and other areas of life.
A new study questions why some people support “free speech”.
A new study shows how talking to yourself may help your brain perform better.
The stress we take on at work now will surely pay off in retirement, right? Well, brace yourself.
A study finds an increasing number of Americans live with serious mental issues and their access to healthcare is getting worse.
There are 400 breeds in total, including 23 distinct “clades” or types.
Scientists successfully test an ingenious system for growing premature fetuses.
A groundbreaking study from a Harvard University team suggests that monogamy may be genetically programmed within some mammals.
A new study finds LSD — a Schedule I drug with “no medical value” — to be therapeutically beneficial.
Research shows the groups have different tastes when buying science books. For the most part.
There is an old adage, “take stock of the company you keep”. As it turns out, we are more tolerant of people who have similar negative personality traits as us.
Recent research suggests what we thought we knew about social trust judgements may be all wrong.
Cognitive abilities peak at varying ages, say researchers from MIT and Harvard.
The cognitive boost of taking testosterone supplements has not been substantiated — but let’s face it, most men aren’t seeking a better memory when popping testosterone pills.
A study finds that just 30 minutes of memory training per day, for 40 days, can reorganize your brain connectivity.
Does the thought of death make you anxious? A new study suggests that the fear of mortality isn’t really about the afterlife at all.
A Swiss scientist identifies the top predator in the world in a new study.
If you want to get from A to B more safely, be a little more choosy at the cab rank.
A new study tries to figure out who finds dark humor funny.
“My theory is true, if I do say so myself.” SPOT stands for “Spontaneous Preference For Own Theories,” and it’s a newly identified cognitive bias.
If you think we’re talking about someone else, don’t be so hasty. One study highlights how the vast majority of people choose ignorance over knowing.
Researchers study the “paradox of happiness” to find out how get into “flow activities” that would make us happiest.
They have the same feelings as normal people. It’s how they make decisions that’s different.
A new study makes a surprising finding on the intelligence of psychopaths, often portrayed as evil geniuses in popular culture.