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HTML5 Winning Over the Web

Steve Jobs was right again. A year and a half after Apple’s late founder endorsed HTML5, the programming technique is quickly winning over programmers and website developers.
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What’s the Latest Development?

A new programming technique known as HTML5 is quickly winning over programmers and website developers because of its advantages in many areas, including online video and smartphone apps. HTML5 allows data to be stored on a user’s computer or mobile device so that Web apps work without an Internet connection. And games, audio and video can be used without plugins like Flash. Adobe, the maker of Flash, has already announced it will no longer develop the technology, favoring HTML5 instead.

What’s the Big Idea?

HTML5 will augment the web experience by offering better-looking graphics and making media more accessible. By sidestepping plugins, which do not work equally on all machines, HTML5 represents the potential for a universal Web software. Cadir Lee, chief technology officer at Zynga, “thinks HTML5 could eventually evolve to be an even broader technology movement, like that created with websites that could display almost any content. ‘There is another wave of that revolution that is coming,’ Mr. Lee says.”

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