Jobs, Gates & Branson: Drop-Out Superstars

What’s the Latest Development?
Some of the world’s most successful businessmen—Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Richard Branson—were quick to leave the formal education system on their own accord. But should hopeful young men and women model their behavior? Judith Sloan, professional fellow at the University of Melbourne, says those with university degrees are still more likely to have better careers and earn a better living. The personality characteristics of entrepreneurs are more important than that they dropped out.
What’s the Big Idea?
What is the value of higher education today? Once it was only low-skilled manufacturing jobs that were outsourced to foreign countries but this is no longer the case, thanks in great part to advances in communication and transportation technologies. Global outsourcing now occurs in the architectural, legal and medical industries. Economist Alan Blinder says graduates’ jobs are more ‘offshorable’ than many low-wage jobs. ‘A plumber or lorry-driver’s job cannot be outsourced to India. A computer programmer’s can.’