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Mark Zuckerberg: A “Dislike” Button Would Not Be Socially Valuable

The Facebook CEO spoke at a town hall style Q&A and touched on subjects such as his company’s role in the community, recent public relations hiccups, and how parents should monitor social media use.
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Is there a more fascinating business leader in the world today than Mark Zuckerberg? How many folks can say they’ve amassed over $33 billion in net worth, been the subject of a major Hollywood film, and helped create the planet’s most popular social media platform… all before turning 31? And how many public figures could pull off hosting a town hall Q&A like Zuckerberg and his team have done twice in the past few months?

Not many.

The Facebook CEO addressed questions at the most recent meeting that ranged from serious (like the company’s checkered past with regard to user privacy) to so silly they may as well have been asked by CNN’s John King during a presidential debate. If, by the way, you wanted to know Zuckerberg’s favorite pizza topping, it’s apparently fried chicken.

When asked about the prospect of Facebook adding a “dislike” button beneath posts, Zuckerberg made an interesting case for discluding negativity. The following quote is from NBC News’ Devin Coldeway’s write-up of the event:

“‘Some people have asked for a dislike button because they want to be able to say ‘that thing isn’t good,’ and we’re not going to do that… I don’t think that’s socially very valuable, or great for the community.'”

On the “like” button:

“‘[It] is a powerful way to sympathize or empathize with someone. I think giving people the power to do that in more ways with more emotions would be powerful, but we have to figure out the right way to do it.'”

The closest thing I can think of to a “dislike” button is the Reddit downvote, which is understood (though not always utilized) as a way to bury responses not relevant to the conversation at hand. Zuckerberg’s hard stance against negativity opens up the conversation of whether a “dislike” button would make Facebook toxic. I think it would. What’s your take?

Click the link below to learn more about Zuckerberg’s thoughts on his company’s role in the community, recent public relations hiccups, and how parents should monitor social media use.

Read more at Today

Photo credit: Frederic Legrand – COMEO / Shutterstock

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