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TV Ads: Dumb the New Clever?

Michael Esposito takes the TV ad industry to task over the recent flurry of silly or mocking commercials depicting a world “where a subspecies of addlebrained humans thrives.”
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Michael Esposito takes the industry to task over the flurry of silly or mocking TV ads: “Forced to choose between saving my sweetheart or a beer, I’d pick my sweetheart every time. That’s not necessarily such an obvious choice in the world of TV commercials, where a subspecies of addlebrained humans thrives. They’re usually guys (but not always), and the message that seems to be coming from many such commercials is: ‘Idiots and jerks buy our product. Unless you’re too good to act like a buffoon or pick on the defenseless, you stuck-up snob you, you’ll buy what we buy to be just like us!'”

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