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We All Might Scream For Glow-In-The-Dark Ice Cream

Charlie Harry Francis, owner of UK-based Lick Me I’m Delicious, has created many unusual frozen treats, but this is the first that uses synthesized jellyfish proteins to produce a unique glow. Unfortunately, the stuff’s not cheap.
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What’s the Latest Development?

A Bristol-based company with the enticing name Lick Me I’m Delicious has created what may be the world’s first ice cream that glows in the dark and lights up when it comes in contact with the tongue. Owner and “food inventor” Charlie Harry Francis says the effect comes courtesy of synthesized bioluminescent jellyfish proteins: “[It] reacts with calcium at a neutral PH, causing the protein to glow when it comes into contact with calcium, i.e. when it’s agitated, i.e. when it’s licked.” Unfortunately, the secret ingredient is more expensive than gold, which Francis says puts his expenditure for a single scoop at £140 (about US$225).

What’s the Big Idea?

The bioluminescent abilities of jellyfish and other animals have gained attention in recent years, mostly from scientists who have borrowed it to help them “see” into biological systems. However, it’s also been used to create unusual glow-in-the-dark items that could someday find their way to a novelty store — or ice cream shop — near you. For what it’s worth, Francis says the ice cream tastes delicious.

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Read it at Inhabitat

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