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Develop critical skills with leading experts in every field

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Ian Bremmer, Debbie Millman, Stanley McChrystal, and more

Management courses with Ian Bremmer
… & many more
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Emotional Intelligence
Health & Wellness
Problem Solving
Risk Mitigation
Critical Thinking


3 ways to watch

Learners can choose from three flexible viewing options — lessons, classes, or courses. Classes feature a small collection of lessons, all from the same expert instructor. Courses dive deeper with additional lessons featuring multiple instructors. Both include built-in opportunities for reflection and discussion.


1 video (5-7 minutes)


5 lessons (1-2 hours)


5 classes (5-8 hours)

Big Think+ Sample Lessons
Access exclusive content from some of our most popular experts across the Big Think+ library.
Leading Through Anxiety: How to Manage Self-Doubt with Jesse Eisenberg
5 mins
A man with curly hair is standing in front of a white background.
Unlock Your Team’s Hidden Potential With Adam Grant
8 mins
A bald man with a slight smile, wearing a dark blazer over a blue shirt, against a light gray background.
Becoming an Artful Gatherer: Shift Your Meeting Mindset With Priya Parker
8 mins
a woman in a blue turtle neck sweater posing for a picture.
Making an Impact at Work: Four Steps for Building a High-Impact Team With Liz Wiseman
4 mins
A woman in a green shirt is posing for a photo.
Partnership options

Unlimited library access

Get unlimited access to the Big Think+ library and all new releases for an unlimited number of users.

Channel subscription

Select from channels like Leadership, DE&I, and Innovation to access our best content on that topic.

Custom curations

Use our team to develop custom learning pathways or programs to meet your specific learning needs.

Custom video production

Leverage Big Think’s full-service production team to create video lessons highlighting your executives’ key insights.

Frequently asked questions
  • Our editorial team selects experts across all fields and disciplines that are either at the top of their field or disrupting it. Our vast network of experts includes CEOs, NBA players, authors, psychologists, and many more.

  • Our video lessons range from 3-10 minutes.

  • Yes! The library is currently available with English, French, German, and Spanish with more to come. Additional subtitles can be added for a fee.

  • Yes. We provide access to our content via SCORM, xAPI, SSO, and other integration options for all major platforms.

  • Big Think+ content is used in a number of ways across our clients and can be featured across a range of formal and informal communication channels.

    Our lessons are often offered to the entire organization through an LMS, and more specifically included in leadership development and HIPO programs, used in executive workshops, or used to drive strategic plans or change and transformation initiatives forward.

  • Absolutely. We build thought leadership learning programs featuring Big Think+ experts alongside client experts (not just executives!) to scale access to the best, most actionable knowledge from both inside and outside each organization.

  • We have a team of instructional designers that work with you to map content to your objectives, curate new learning experiences, and promote Big Think+ content across your organization.

  • Big Think+ works with recent versions of Edge, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, as well as all mobile browsers and devices.

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