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Richard Armitage was the 13th United States Deputy Secretary of State, serving from 2001 to 2005. He served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War and then after the[…]
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Armitage talks about America’s tarnished reputation.

Question: How can we restore America’s place in the world?

Armitage:    I think it’s decreased a lot.  It’s not a matter of a little.  In almost all portions of the globe – noteworthy as Asia which has a more benign view of the United States generally – I am one of those who thinks the world wants us to regain our former stature.  They need a United States fully engaged across the board in the defense of human freedoms and human rights.  I think it can be regained.  I think changes in the administration in the first instance will do it to some extent.  And I think if we, again, try to be great in the conduct of foreign affairs without being arrogant, we can rapidly regain a position which most of the world wants us to have.
