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Words of Wisdom

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“There is no part of planet Earth which has so recently arrived on our desk as a challenge and as an opportunity. So therefore, cooperation in the Arctic is one of the most crucial issues of the 21st-century” -Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland, from his Big Think interview
“The first step — especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money — the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art.”
“A skateboarder’s way of thought is so different that I feel if somebody had some sort of dilemma in their life you could ask a skateboarder for an outside opinion.You may get something that is absolutely ridiculous or you could get something that’s absolutely brilliant.” -From his recent Big Think interview
“The world and our perceptions have changed a lot, even since the ’70s, but there are lingering stereotypes. If you ask an 11-year-old to draw a scientist, she’s likely to draw a geeky guy with a pocket protector. That’s just not an image an 11-year-old girl aspires to.”
“So whatever you’re trying to do, you need to remember that there will always be better than, less than and different than. That means whoever’s the best – in professional wrestling you might say Hulk Hogan. Everybody under him, less than. Except for the person or company that’s different than. That’s what DDP Yoga is. That’s what Diamond Dallas Page the wrestler was.” From his recent Big Think interview.
“It is easier to live through someone else than to complete yourself. The freedom to lead and plan your own life is frightening if you have never faced it before. It is frightening when a woman finally realizes that there is no answer to the question’ who am I’ except the voice inside herself.” 
“You have to make more noise than anybody else, you have to make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else, you have to fill all the papers more than anybody else, in fact you have to be there all the time and see that they do not snow you under, if you are really going to get your reform realized.”
“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. They are the real heroes, and so are the families and friends who have stood by them.” Christopher Reeve would have been 62-years-old yesterday. Next month will mark the ten-year anniversary of his death.
“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”  – Maya Angelou, from Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now (1993)  
The above quote is pulled from Virginia Woolf’s (1882-1941) long-form narrative essay A Room of One’s Own, which was first published in 1929. Room is one of the English writer’s many […]