Kofi Annan on Human Solidarity

“We need to create a world that is equitable, that is stable and a world where we bear in mind the needs of others, and not only what we need immediately. We are all in the same boat.”
-Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006)
Annan was the seventh person to serve as leader of the United Nations:
1. Trygve Lie, Norway (1946-52)
2. Dag Hammarskjöld, Sweden (1953-61)
3. U Thant, Burma (1961-71)
4. Kurt Waldheim, Austria (1972-81)
5. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, Peru (1982-91)
6. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Egypt (1992-96)
7. Kofi Annan, Ghana (1997-2006)
8. Ban Ki-moon, South Korea (2007-Present)
Secretaries-general are elected to 5-year terms. Although there is no set term limit, none in the position have ever achieved a third. Ban Ki-moon, up for re-election again in 2016, could become the first. If he chooses to retire, the progressive factions may prioritize electing a woman to be the 9th secretary-general.