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You searched for: cancer

The tight squeeze in science funding means the best are forced to be even better. In an economic downturn, it’s like that across industries, but in no other area do […]
What does race mean? It is the lingering question in the discovery of the biology of race. Scientists study the various diseases that affect people of different races; however, it is believed this is not the appropriate route. 
Is there any reason to avoid death? We all die eventually, but is it a destiny sealed in for a predetermined time, or do we actually have some control over how long we are on this Earth?
Scientists have engineered an aspirin whose novel chemical compounds have proven effective at shrinking tumors while leaving the healthy cells around it unharmed. 
            The FDA has banned bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles in sippy cups.             The FDA has not banned BPA for use in food containers.             Huh?             What […]
A California-based company has developed a breath test that can identify lung cancer with 83 percent accuracy and can distinguish between different types of cancer.
This post was originally written for the “Because I Am An Atheist” series at The Crommunist Manifesto. Thanks to Crommunist for the inspiration! Because I am an atheist, I don’t […]