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World Community Agog Over China Resurrecting Confucianism

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BEIJING – About 2,565 years ago a wise and aristocratic Kong Qiu came to the world, 551 years before a certain Jesus of Nazareth, nutcase and son of a penniless carpenter, was born to a virgin. The reason why we all live in the year 2014 of our Lord Christ today is because Jesus declared himself the son of the Jewish God, and the king of Jews on top of that, which got him nailed to a cross by an angry mob of Romans and Jews. To get back at them, he resurrected. The rest is advanced political sciences.

Others don’t equal Confucius to a religion at all. He never called himself son of God. Instead, he got himself an education and a real job. Since he was an academic, historians would compare him to Plato, the Greek philosopher. Either way, Confucius probably is to East Asia what Jesus Christ and Plato are to the West: the spiritual and the ideological master source. […]

Read full article at China Daily on how Xi Jinping, China’s president, aims at resurrecting Confucianism.

Jesus Christ, Confucius (Image credits: Jtonystl/Flickr; STATIC6/Flickr)

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