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Guest Thinkers

New voices – Scott Schwister

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Miguel challenged us to find new voices.

Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing.

Today’s new voice: Scott Schwister, Higher Edison

Scott is the Program Coordinator for the Graduate Continuing Studies section at Hamline


. His blogging is pretty deep and always makes me think hard: definitely a blog that extends my own thinking and learning quite a bit. Here are a few posts to get you started:

  • drifting 2
  • drifting 3
  • horsepower 2.0
  • Previous new voices: Kelly Christopherson, Scott Elias, Jim Forde, Brian Saxton, Chris Hitch

    Happy reading!

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    Miguel challenged us to find new voices . Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Most represent a leadership perspective […]