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The Business Innovation Factory: Big-time innovation in Rhode Island

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In less than a month, the Business Innovation Factory will be hosting the third annual Collaborative Innovation nSummit (BIF-3) on October 10th and 11th in Providence, Rhode nIsland. Think of it as a TED conference for the East Coast:


“BIF-3 will be hosted by Wall Street Journal Columnist Walt Mossberg and Mavericks at Work author Bill Taylor. The duo will guide participants through a program that includes Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, UnderSecretary of Homeland Security Jay Cohen, Ghost Map author and co-creator of outside.inSteven Johnson, 37signals founder and CEO Jason Fried, Providence Police Chief Colonel n  Dean Esserman, architect Chris Benedict, Studiocom chief creative officer Juan Fernando Santos, n  information architect Richard Saul Wurman, BzzAgent founder and CEO Dave Balter, IBM VP of Innovation Irving Wladawsky-Berger, author and Harvard Business School professor n  Clayton Christensen, Made to Stick author Dan Heath, president of Stanley Bostitch Denise Nemchev, author and founder of The Hybrid Vigor Institute Denise Caruso, founder of the gethuman project Paul English, Linear Air president and CEO William Herp, author and associate professor UC-Davis Graduate School of Management Andrew Hargadon, Icosystem CEO and Chief Scientific Officer Eric Bonabeau, TopCoder founder and chairman Jack n  Hughes, founder of Zipcar and GoLoco Robin Chase, Director of the MIT Agelab Joe Coughlin, and former head of Knowledge Management for the BBC Euan Semple.”

The nformat of BIF-3 encourages conversation and discussion. Presenters have only fifteen minutes on stage to share personal reflections on how they created innovation or catalyzed change. Most importantly, storytellers fully participate in the entire event as members of the audience.


Anyway, if you’re interested in registering for the event, just mention the Endless Innovation blog during the registration process for a 20% discount on the regular price of $1000. Registration details can be found at


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