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A sunset captured in Switzerland featured a sunspot so large it was visible to the naked eye.
During the recent cold snap, wind chill has taken some heat, notably from Daniel Engber at Slate, who castigates wind chill as the “weatherman’s favorite alarmist statistic,” serving as the “PR agent” for horrendous weather.
Young women today are expected to be wives, mothers, housekeepers, excellent athletes, be entrepreneurial and save the world.       
2014 might mean out with the old (as was the case with Comet ISON, which fell victims to the sun), and yet, Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1) is still alive and well, and was captured in this scene on New Year’s day.
An entire generation of baby boomer men grew up thinking that the office was going to always look like the set of Madmen. Instead, these men today are confused and bewildered by all the the changes in our culture. 
The word “whistleblower” has a heroic connotation. A leaker, on the other hand, might be someone who is guilty of criminal deeds that warrant punishment. 
Kindness is not about “being a doormat and letting someone walk over you.” Kinndness needs to be “infused with wisdom, supported by courage, and threaded with balance.”
In order to better visualize the Martian moon Phobos, images from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter have been combined to create a virtual rotation movie.
According to computer scientist Jaron Lanier, the right way to understand the famous “Turing Test” is to understand that it “began in the mind of somebody who was very close to suicide.”