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How to Lead Like Tony La Russa

Having won eight division titles and one World Series in his time in St. Louis, Tony La Russa possesses dual talents that make a leader great: adaptability and durability.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Tony La Russa’s St. Louis Cardinals are again on the cusp of greatness. Half of this year’s World Series, the team has had a long string of good managers. As current manager, La Russa’s responsibility is to coordinate his players, i.e. get them to trust each other despite massive paychecks and inflated egos, and to develop strategies for winning games, division titles and World Series. La Russa’s two must valuable qualities are adaptability and durability. 

What’s the Big Idea?

Modern business may benefit from a closer examination of baseball management styles, says James Quigley, former C.E.O. of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. During his time as a business manager, Quigley referred to one effective management style as “Captain and Sports Teams”. What sets this style apart from the others, he says, is that strategy isn’t wholly defined at the outset of the game. Instead, it emerges over time based on field conditions. In a rapidly changing business world, baseball presents good coping skills. 

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