Sometimes not looking forward to something helps you get it done.
A groundbreaking Stanford University study explains the areas of the brain that are impacted by hypnosis.
Join two-time NBA champion Shane Battier live at 1 pm ET this Monday.
A 12-year long study examines the differences between how same-sex and different-sex couples argue, with some surprising results.
Just before I turned 60, I discovered that sharing my story by drawing could be an effective way to both alleviate my symptoms and combat that stigma.
A joint study by two England universities explores the link between sex and cognitive function with some surprising differences in male and female outcomes in old age.
New research suggests some men identify with a new form of masculinity that values authenticity, domesticity, and holistic self-awareness.
Neo’s superhuman powers were only inside of The Matrix. The outside world offered a different reality.
Online dating has evolved, but at what cost?
According to the analysis, the more yoga sessions a person did each week, the less they struggled with depressive symptoms.
The study provides initial evidence that open, strong postures can improve children’s mood and self-esteem.
Pups in puberty prefer not to listen to their owners.
There are countless studies that prove ecotherapy (often referred to as nature therapy) is beneficial for your physical and mental health.
An information war is being waged.
A researcher talks about the power of music in a crisis.
Why do some people still believe that behavior is caused solely by genes or environment? A new paper offers some answers.
The distracting nature of modern media is having a terrible effect on what we learn.
Using magnetic nanoparticles, scientists stimulate the adrenal gland in rodents to control release of hormones linked to stress.
This is one of countless studies that prove the positive impact of social connection and intimacy while highlighting the negative impact of isolation and separation.
What makes some psychopaths better able to control their antisocial tendencies?
A new study at UPenn found that effective learning includes mistakes—just not too many.
A critical thinking framework developed by psychologists can help teach mental skills necessary for our times.
Do adults need to be more carefree, in order for their lives to go well?
Love a good villain? It says a lot about you.
Health care professionals worldwide are facing a second crisis, the consequences of which we’re only beginning to understand.
Some hold that mental disorders are brain diseases. Others argue that they’re social constructs used to medicalise aberrant behaviour.
Being aware of this issue is a big first step in helping vulnerable communities (such as those struggling with addiction) combat relapse during this pandemic.
Those ancient Chinese philosophers earned their insights.
Flow Research Collective COO Rian Doris explains how to harness the power of your nervous system to find your flow during a pandemic.
The key to raising indistractable kids is to first determine why they’re distracted.
4 min