Scientists often find that they cannot replicate prior findings.
Smoking is not just habit-based but is deeply entwined with emotions.
A volcano in California is a hot spot for conspiracy theorists.
From understanding human aggression to epigenetics, Stanford University offers all 25 lessons of this fascinating course for free on YouTube.
Tweak the way you’re coping and you can lower your anxiety levels.
Research dating back to the 1950s explains why the foot fetish makes total sense.
Derren Brown returns to the stage with his new live, one-man show, Showman. Check it out here.
6 min
Cognitive behavioral therapy has the Stoics to thank for inspiring this field.
The bonding experience is promoted by important neurological changes.
A therapist explains acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
Juggling conscious experience with the machinations of the mind can create the ultimate audience experience.
4 min
Your answer might depend on whom the quote is attributed to, according to the results of a recent study.
What leads people to believe in “chi” attacks and “no-touch” knockouts?
No matter how arbitrary the distinction, human beings take affiliation very seriously.
5 min
Do you struggle to remember your to-do list? Then this exercise is for you.
5 min
Those who think they’re better at lying than average seem to have a few things in common.
Can technology act as a feedback loop for human emotions?
3 min
Job applicants now have to contend with the growing use of artificial intelligence in hiring decisions.
Competition in STEM subjects left students feeling like imposters.
Being kind to others positively impacts your physical and mental health, according to this groundbreaking research by Stanford professor Dr. James Doty.
The key to happiness is being less optimistic and accepting a certain amount of unhappiness.
6 min
The dominatrix profession demands a mastery of human psychology and the ability to command life’s many challenges.
The desperate search for a narrative opens the door to the wonders of magic.
3 min
Love triggers the same regions of your brain as cocaine addiction.
2 min
It’s all about the feeding window.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from — music is an emotional powerhouse.
If you’re always succeeding, you’re probably not learning much.
When facing a tough decision, it pays to trust your gut.
Attractive women are especially likely to dress modestly, but only in certain scenarios.