If machines develop consciousness, or if we manage to give it to them, the human-robot dynamic will forever be different.
16 min
A song many consider the black national anthem rises again in the United States.
Does the President get to decide when to ignore the law?
6 min
Even if automation makes human trafficking economically inefficient, that alone won’t end this unethical practice.
Until the use of prison labor is banned, many stakeholders will be incentivized to prevent felons from being rehabilitated.
In one Indian farming district, many women are paying for expensive and medically unnecessary hysterectomies in order to be more productive at work.
Modern capitalism is a “very silly” way of organizing life, says Yanis Varoufakis.
4 min
Has the Republican Party forgotten its past?
4 min
Freedom and democracy are great, but our understanding of what those things are has changed a lot since we came up with them.
Kayne West’s tweet that the United States should amend the 13th Amendment brought renewed attention to a flaw in its language.
Girl babies may have one distinct advantage over boy babies. But what is it?
Creators of the mega-hit tv show “Game of Thrones” face growing controversy over their next show.