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Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Dutch-American feminist filmmaker and political writer. She is author of several books, the latest of which is Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now. She[…]

Hirsi Ali rejects the European tendency toward pessimism.

Description: Hirsi Ali rejects the European tendency toward pessimism.

Transcript: I feel the obligation . . .  I think it was Karl Popper who stated the obligation to be an optimist – that by making this analysis just based on what I read in the newspaper is not . . .  It doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s how things are going to happen.  I mean everyday there are people involved . . .  Even as critical as I am of Europe, there are voices within Europe who feel that things are going in the wrong direction.  And I believe always that you can . . .  There’s always the possibility to make change on that.  Yeah.  I’m optimistic about it.

Recorded on:  8/15/07
