Google’s first Chief Innovation Evangelist — Frederik Pferdt — lays out a map for navigating unprecedented change and innovation.
It’s good to be a wallflower. But sometimes, you need to show yourself off a bit.
Take a seat. Take a breath. Take a break.
Rhetorical mastery is within everyone’s reach — equipped with some basic techniques you can rock it like Aristotle.
Redemption is the journey towards becoming a better person. It’s the story of human life.
The benefits of learning with guidance are clear — but the expert and the novice must have a shared understanding of the goal.
The road from Kant to modern cognitive psychology has taught us much about our mental filtering systems.
Schopenhauer and Freud can help teams navigate the most prickly of collaboration problems.
Taco Thursdays and free yoga have their limits — for lasting workplace happiness leaders need to think about purpose.
Nobody likes the uneasy feeling of being watched — so can there be any workplace benefit to the all-seeing eye?
Voltaire’s wonderful satire, Candide, remains a useful work-life antidote to bogus platitudes and naive optimism.
Leadership evasion might seem like a plan for workplace freedom but it isn’t a good thing — it’s a denial of opportunity.
Bob Dylan gave us the paradoxical gem “there’s no success like failure, and failure’s no success at all.” He had a point.
When is a rabbit not a rabbit? When it’s a thought experiment designed to reveal the tricky tango of language and concepts.
“Forget about essences.” Philosopher Daniel Dennett on how modern-day philosophers should be more collaborative with scientists if they want to make revolutionary developments in their fields.
12 min
What the breakthrough methods of laboratory research can teach the business world about brainstorming.
Ditch the old brain vs. heart assumptions, and instead think about a heart-led brain.
How would you feel about working like a Lutheran or a Cistercian?
When all your teammates fall for “the emperor’s new clothes,” the results can be disastrous — here’s how to bust the groupthink.
At work we’re often asked to be decisive — but how can we make an informed choice without complete information?
It’s time for an honest conversation.
We were not born to stagnate — the point of life (and work) is to go somewhere.
If the daily grind feels like Sartre’s phony act of “bad faith,” Heidegger’s sense of “being” can help redefine your role.
How to juggle while walking a tightrope — at work.
Ways to move forward when you’re wrong and I’m right.
Neuroscience supports the notion that an escape from conventional perspectives can be a gateway to spectacular insights.
Prolonged and repetitive tasks rewire us in profound ways – which can be a force for good at work.
Depression applies to individuals and businesses alike — and so does the solution.
Intentions tend to get mangled by overreach in every complex organization — so dial up the charisma and the clarity.
The corporate unicorn was yesterday — now we should consider the wisdom of black and white stripes.