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Paul Thorton, the L.A. Times’ letters editor explained the difference between opinions and factual inaccuracies in defending his decision not to print letters that challenge the certainty “that we fossil-fuel-burning humans are driving global warming.”
Would a government default have the impact of Lehman10 as Daniel Gross puts it or could the breaching of the debt ceiling be a “managed catastrophe” as Senator Tom Coburn so artfully put it?
The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences awarded the 84-year-old Higgs, along with Francois Englert, 80, of Belgium, a Nobel Prize in physics for their work in the discovery of the Higgs boson, the subatomic particle that helps explain the very structure of the universe.
For the first time, scientists were able to get “inside” Einstein’s brain, using a new technique that allowed them to detail Einstein’s corpus callosum, “the brain’s largest bundle of fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres and facilitates interhemispheric communication.”
Today, many worry that the U.S. has lost its edge not just in space but in terms of being a nation of innovators. So what will it take to wake the country up?
The great elephant in the room in the health care discussion is the huge cost of keeping alive those already in the final stages of life.  Is there a better way to approach this, or to even discuss it?  Right now, we are doing neither.