Why does hearing sad music feel so good?
When we are more focused on the good things we enjoy in life, we have more to live for.
The internet has made it easier than ever to keep in touch with our exes. For people in relationships, that can cause problems.
The modern antiracist movement is harming the very people it claims to help, according to the linguist John McWhorter.
Scientists want to use dream hacking devices to improve your creativity and memory.
Research shows that psilocybin leads people away from materialism and toward transcendentalism. Apparently, mushrooms teach metaphysics.
Like it or not, we are the descendants of busybodies.
What would you do differently if you listened to your true desires?
5 min
Communication with home will be difficult on long-haul space flights. The longer this isolation goes on, the more detached a crew becomes.
The power of play: our forgotten lifehack.
Does the voice in your head castigate the voice coming out of a recording device?
The most momentous and significant events in our lives are the ones we do not see coming. Life is defined by the unforeseen.
Many have argued that free will is an illusion, but science does not support that.
Learning styles are supposed to help learners take ownership of their education, but research doesn’t back up this well-intentioned myth.
A recent study illuminated surprising differences in how men and women seek help when struggling with relationships.
Our social instincts can lead us to adopt models of desire that might not serve our interests.
Winner takes all, losers die, and participants have no choice but to play.
These studies are only the tip of the iceberg, with adverse consequence of the time change ranging from student test scores to stock market returns.
Our moral attitudes about sex and drugs share a genetic basis, suggests a recent study that examined the attitudes of more than 5,000 twins.
Awe makes us feel smaller but also more connected to life and each other.
The highest earning Myers-Briggs personality type? ENTJ.
The ability to differentiate your emotions might make you less likely to suffer from depression, alcoholism, and anger issues.
The more horror we consume, the harder it becomes to find a good scare. These genuinely unsettling movies should get you in the mood for Halloween.
How we handle grief largely depends on our worldview. Here is how three famous philosophers handled the certainty of grief and despair.
Haunting photographs depict the dead as “still with us.”
Dedicated circuits evaluate uncertainty in the brain, preventing it from using unreliable information to make decisions.
We are more likely to agree with someone who also agrees with us. Young children, though, only trust themselves. We have to learn to trust.
A recent study casts doubt on the notion that watching porn, whether alone or with a partner, damages romantic relationships.
Great genius is not born of lightning bolt-like moments of inspiration. In reality, perseverance plays the biggest role.
Our minds are hyper-taxed due to hyper-tasking. We need to slow down and allow ourselves to daydream if we want to improve our attention.