Successful alpha leadership is more about caring and healing than dog-eat-dog supremacy.
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It’s the origin of our entire observable Universe, but it’s still not the very beginning of everything.
Even with the quantum rules governing the Universe, there are limits to what matter can withstand. Beyond that, black holes are unavoidable.
After 70 years, “The Power of Positive Thinking” remains incredibly popular, even though its critics find the book to be mostly fluff.
Historically, periods of mass flourishing are underpinned by technological revolutions. Currently, we are undergoing a technological revolution unlike anything the world has ever seen.
Three ideas could help create the police force that Americans want.
Are tiny homes just a trend for wealthy minimalists or an economic necessity for the growing poor?
For the Iroquois, it was a type of military training and a way to honor the gods.
What qualifies someone for the top position in American government?
A recent survey also found that political messaging from the pulpit increased the likelihood of believing presidents to be ordained by God.
Trump is #45 but Pence is #48 – and other strange consequences of the curious office of vice president.
Maps show the oldest company in (nearly) every country – and a few interesting corporate trends.
The collapse of Theranos reminds us that in science, facts have the last word.
The Canadian professor has been on the Joe Rogan Experience six times. There’s a lot of material to discuss.
The line between science and pseudoscience is imperceptible to most. Here’s how you can catch it in yourself. When it comes to science, the first principle is that you must […]
Geologically, it might be the most intense Hawaiʻian eruption in over 200 years. But not a single person has died, thanks to science. Hawaii, a chain of islands in the Pacific […]
How a little knowledge can bring about some huge misconceptions… and how to fix it. “Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover […]
Sotheby’s will auction off 380 pieces from Bowie’s collection later this year. The collection is “eclectic, unscripted, [and] understated,” according to Sotheby’s European chairman Oliver Barker.
Not the show, the actual scientific theory itself! “Gamow was fantastic in his ideas. He was right, he was wrong. More often wrong than right. Always interesting; … and when his idea […]
If Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice made you mad, maybe you’re part of the modern nerd culture Batman began.
Scientists work on it, it’s consistent with science, and it hopes to be the biggest scientific breakthrough of all. But it’s missing one key ingredient. “As of now, string theorists […]
If all the rational arguments argue against American gun culture, then the irrational (sometimes creepy) ones must be to blame for our fatal firearms attraction.
I’m a granola-eating hippie liberal, and I kind of admire Carly Fiorina. What happens when we like a person, but hate their politics?
Culturally and economically, modern Turkey is at a dangerous crossroads.
As our histories and memories move more and more into the digital space, we’re at the mercy of the cloud to maintain our history. So, what happens when the internet gets it wrong and re-works a piece of literature?
“The extasy [sic] of abstract beauty,” artist Richard Pousette-Dart scrawled in 1981 in a notebook on a page across from a Georges Braque-looking abstract pencil drawing. Although included in Nina Leen’s iconic 1951 Life magazine photo “The Irascibles” that featured Abstract Expressionist heavyweights Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, and Barnett Newman, Pousette-Dart has always stood on the edges, as he does in the photo, of full identification with that group.
Fans of Dan Brown (and Tom Hanks) hoped to get an education in the Italian Renaissance along with their beach reading (and movie-going) of The Da Vinci Code. But they’re missing out on a Renaissance master of art and mathematics just as captivating and mysterious as Da Vinci—Piero della Francesca.
All maps tell lies, but this one does it better than most.
Memories triggered by smell are more emotional than those triggered by sounds, pictures or words