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Life is already taking back Kasatochi in Alaska, sulfur dioxide emissions have doubled at Mayon but an eruption may not be in the cards and tourism suffers around a Costa Rican volcano.
I talk earthquakes on this Friday’s Flotsam post, along with an estimate of how much Kilauea has erupted from the Haleuma`uma`u Crater since it started erupting last year.
Excavating the Minoan eruption on Santorini, images of Rabaul and a snippet of information about the new signs of life at Gorely in Kamchatka.
New activity in the Philippines and Kuril Islands, but things are calming down at a few former hotbeds in Kamchatka.
I chime in on some of the discussions about caldera-forming eruptions and inflation of volcanoes in the Andes. Also, news on the stimulus money to volcano monitoring and “our island blew up.”