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Showing 3 expert classes
Expert Class
Designing for Social Innovation

According to business strategist Cheryl Heller, organizations can create social value by collapsing their traditional workflows and practicing a more integrated approach known as “social design.” Effecting this shift also requires identifying a unifying message, communicating it effectively, and involving key stakeholders.

Cheryl Heller : Business Strategist and Designer, and Author, "The Intergalactic Design Guide"
Expert Class
Think Simple

Ironically, simplicity can be hard to define. Advertising creative director Ken Segall goes as far as saying there’s no such thing as simplicity — only the perception of it. To create that, he recommends iterating your ideas and designs until you can distill them down to a single, concise message that cements an emotional connection with your audience.

Ken Segall : Author of NY Times Bestseller "Insanely Simple", Former Ad Agency Director, Apple Inc
Expert Class
Use Design Thinking

In the coming decades, successful businesses and brands will be those that provide a smaller, more personalized experience of the world. Designers start with a human need and innovate to solve real problems, rather than blindly serving existing markets.

Tim Brown : Executive Chair at IDEO, Vice Chair at kyu Collective
Problem Solving