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Leading Outside Your Comfort Zone
 When people mention the Golden Rule, they’re usually referring to its broad meaning: “I’m going to be as good to you as I want you to be to me.” However, […]
Getting Used to Having More By Owning Less
 Any music lover who subscribes to a streaming-music service such as Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, or the like has entered into a bargain that represents a profound shift in the […]
To Win with Algorithms, We Need to Keep Score of Humans
 More and more companies are incorporating machine-based intelligence in decision-making processes. Computers are great at numbers and finding meaningful trends in big data, so this makes sense. On the other […]
Help Team Members Challenge Themselves
 Jane McGonigal is a game designer whose SuperBetter app teaches you to “live gamefully.” Coming from a gaming background, she knows all about how exhilarating it is to take on an intriguing challenge […]
Fearful Employees Can’t Help But Sabotage a Company
 Few people come to work with the intention of doing damage to their company — in fact, quite the opposite. And yet, in a culture where an employee doesn’t feel […]
Leverage Your Team’s Individual Insights
In his Big Think+ expert class The Astronaut’s Guide to Risk Mitigation, retired NASA astronaut Scott Parazynski discusses the concept, and importance of, “situationally appropriate leadership.” A rigid top-down direction may […]
Connect. The Next Thing Will Wait.
 A one-on-one conversation is a valuable opportunity to connect with someone and to benefit from what they have to say. Unfortunately, these chats tend to happen in the middle of […]
When the Team Wins with Shane Battier
In a company, there are the star performers whose achievements rightfully earn a lion’s share of the attention. Equally as often, though, there are others outside the spotlight whose commitment […]
Build Trust All Day
It’s great to be in a position of authority — you have a unique chance to get things done and move your business forward. Command, though, is a funny thing: […]
Authentic Learning and Why You Can’t Choreograph Success
Motivation works in some complex ways. There are reward systems, giving a person something they really want after completing a task. There’s reinforcement, punishing bad behavior and buttressing good behavior. […]
How to Make Diversity Training Stick (And Not Fail)
Achieving successful diversity training can be a challenge for many employers because employees may regard this type of mandatory training as unnecessary, cumbersome, tedious, or even aggravating. Many view them […]

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