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4 Performance Goals for Employees to Strive For
Setting short-term performance goals for employees can provide invaluable benefits to your company or organization in the long run. In addition to providing a written set of clear, achievable objectives […]
How to Prepare for the Rising Millennial Workforce
Millennials are an integral (and growing) part of today’s workforce, now comprising the largest share of the U.S. workforce. As more tech-savvy Millennials join your organization, it becomes increasingly important […]
The Best Motivation Tips for Managers and Employees, with Dan Ariely
The biggest killer of motivation in many organizations is that managers don’t always recognize the true value of good will and social utility. Psychologist and Behavioral Economist Dan Ariely says […]
Emotional agility in the 21st century workplace
In an increasingly global professional and social environment, organizations are becoming increasingly agile and adaptive to these changes. Regardless of industry, leaders share common concerns over changes in technology, an […]
5 Black History Month Celebration Ideas for the Workplace
Every February, Americans across the country celebrate Black History Month. This annual celebration recognizes the achievements of members of the African-American community, both past and present, and the central role […]
9 Tips for Crafting Your Message & Presenting Ideas Effectively
Whether you are new to the workforce or a corporate executive, you may find yourself in the position of needing to write and present an effective message to a group […]
Entrepreneurs: Stop Fetishizing Failure, Start Asking Absurd Questions
It is becoming an increasingly popular trend in Silicon Valley to place failure on a pedestal. According to author Tim Ferriss, the phrase “fail fast, fail forward” has become a […]
Bring the Future Forward by Welcoming Technology as Your Colleague
Technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few generations. In the early 1960s, computer mainframes the size of semi-truck trailers that used transistors were considered cutting-edge because […]
What the PyeongChang Winter Olympics Taught Us about Diversity & Inclusion
In an increasingly global and connected world, cultural diversity and inclusion are of great importance. While many organizations realize the role an effective diversity training program can play, there is […]
4 Tips to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills
The ever-elusive “soft” skills tied to a high emotional intelligence (EQ) remain a key differentiator between wildly successful employees and ones who may struggle to effectively collaborate with their peers. […]
Desire Success? Start Asking Dumb Questions
Investor, advisor and author Tim Ferriss says that often times the smartest questions are the “dumbest” — the ones that no one asks because they are afraid of being shamed. In a […]
A Key Distinguisher Between Average & Outstanding Employee Performance
What is it that separates an average-performing employee from a truly exceptional employee? While there are many things that can set one employee apart from the rest in terms of […]

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