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Learn leadership development from the world’s biggest thinkers

Is this AI research preliminary? How to think critically about eye-catching studies
Smiling makes us feel happier. If you strike a superhero pose, you’ll feel more assertive and confident in your abilities. We all have a limited pool of self-control that can […]
Innovate like a venture capitalist: Drive your digital transformation with the 10-5-4-1 Model.
Every organization needs the capacity to generate disruptive ideas. No one can afford to stand still and pretend that past habits will guarantee future success. If your organization isn’t ready […]
Need an agile team? Call in the 3 types of connectors.
We love a good heist movie, but our favorite part is not the caper. It’s building the team.  The brilliant thief—just out of jail to do one more job, he […]
Don’t become a fossil. Evolve your business through culture.
Crocodiles have been called “living fossils.” That is, the species has remained unaltered for vast periods of geologic time. They’ve become so perfectly adapted to their ecological niche that millions […]
Is your business ready for the next black swan? Watch for these 2 signals.
Let’s talk about swans. All swans are birds or, more specifically, waterfowl. They are large and sport long, slender necks. They migrate south for the winter, traveling in that eye-catching […]
How to survive your terrible coworkers
We’ve all had days where the drive home has us fuming over some belittling comment a coworker made, gossip they’ve spread about you, or a meeting where they’ve taken credit […]
Reinvention 101: How to build your personal brand
Everyone has a vague idea of what a corporate brand is. Disney has its swoopy signature logo. Apple is about innovative thinking. State Farm has its catchy jingle. And Reese’s Peanut Butter […]
Take the blame, all of it: Life lessons from the NFL blooper reel
Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” As much as we admire Franklin’s wit, he forgot […]
History’s self-actualized individuals used this mental tool kit. You can, too.
Maybe you’ve heard the term “self-actualization” bandied about at a party or by an inspirational speaker? Popularized by psychologist Abraham Maslow, the theory argues that we can realize our full […]
How to personalize your habit-forming strategy and conquer your new year’s resolution
It’s officially the new year, and you’ve probably set a goal. Perhaps you’ve decided on the classic New Year’s resolution: Buy a gym membership and get in shape. Fueled by […]
How to foster more vibrant conversation, with comedian Pete Holmes
Bill Moyers once said that a benefit of being a journalist is learning in public. This relies on two important skills: An ability to ask good questions and the willingness […]
Your brain is wired for linear thinking. Learn exponential thinking instead.
Way back in 1965, the soon-to-be founder of Intel, Gordon Moore, published a paper predicting that the number of transistors that could fit on a computer chip would double every […]

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