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Keto or ke-no: What’s the best diet for cognitive performance?
It’s both accurate and slightly misleading to call the keto diet a “fad diet”. On the one hand, the keto diet has in recent years become a fad, taking over a […]
Become a brilliant leader: Lessons from Lorne Michaels and SNL
Here’s a formula for chaos: Collect a diverse and volatile group of eccentric comedians and comedy writers, and give them a nearly impossible task with a just-barely-possible deadline. Oh, and […]
Get smart about cybersecurity, with legendary con man Frank W. Abagnale
Cybercriminals have a wide variety of motivations for their attacks, and, correspondingly, there are a wide variety of targets. While few of us will find ourselves in positions where we […]
Escape the hedonic treadmill: How positive psychology can increase your base happiness
Are you prone to view life as glass-half-empty? If so, don’t let it drag you down: Your day-to-day happiness level is something that was, in large part, set early in […]
Become a radical innovator, with Elon Musk
Reliability and innovation are the twin pillars of survival for any business. But it’s the rare company that’s willing and able to commit to rediscovering the leading edge on a […]
Steven Pinker: Negotiate using hotheadedness, a dark from of emotional intelligence
We negotiate throughout our lives in a lot more ways than we realize. Learning how to reach an agreement is a valuable skill to have, and one great way to […]
Cultivate the courage to beat impostor syndrome, with Edward Norton
“You will always be looking over your shoulder waiting for somebody to call you out and say, ‘You’re a fraud, you’re an idiot.’ … I still start things and basically […]
Are you being pseudo-productive? Dan Ariely reveals the dangers of structured procrastination
Most of us know not to procrastinate. And yet, between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their schoolwork. As we grow older and (theoretically) more mature, we […]
How to achieve major goals and growth with ‘self-nudging’
It may very well be the case that there are some people who feel perfectly content with who they are out there, but for most of us, there are things […]
Nick Offerman’s key to success? Making mistakes.
Voltaire once wrote, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” This advice served him well over the course of his life — not being a slave to perfection enabled him to […]
Jonathan Haidt: Get to know Gen Z and build strong cross-generational teams
How do we integrate Gen Z into the 21st century workforce? Intergenerational differences are challenging: whether it’s listening to grandpa’s lecture on what’s wrong with the world these days or […]
Want to feel like Superman? Steven Kotler explains how to enter the ‘flow state’
Have you ever found yourself so engrossed in your work that, hours later, you’ve been shocked to discover you’ve missed your lunch break? Maybe you’ve had a conversation with a […]

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