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Tutoring Cousins at Scale, Khan Academy Educates the World
Summary Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, discusses the story of how he was inspired to create a software-based learning tool that would teach others subjects like Math, World […]
Engage Your Team Through Gaming
Summary In this lesson excerpt, video game designer Jane McGonigal walks you through how gaming can lead to positive outcomes in the workplace. By the end of the video, you […]
3 Ways to Use Design Thinking to Improve Company Culture
A company’s culture can have a strong influence on both current employees and potential hires. With the right company culture, an organization can attract and retain engaged employees who add […]
How to Introduce a Self-Directed Learning Program into Your Organization
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) initiatives make employees pick and choose what they learn and when. Enabling employees to learn independently rather than from a formal training schedule offers benefits that can […]
A Roundup of the Best Diversity Activities to Bring Your Team Together
Being a diverse organization means more than just filling out some quota for having minority groups on your teams and in your leadership roles. It means providing an inclusive work […]
Unconventional Business Goals That Drive Employee Motivation
An employee who is motivated and engaged with their work is frequently more productive than their disengaged counterparts—helping to drive success for the business as a whole. According to research […]
Working with Millennials: Keeping Them Happy in Your Workplace
Keeping any employee happy and engaged with their work is a constant challenge for employers. Happy workers tend to be more productive and better able to focus on tasks than […]
2 Design Thinking Examples to Follow for Better Business Outcomes
Many businesses could benefit from applying the principles of design thinking to their work. However, too many businesses focus on the wrong things when they use design thinking, which can […]
3 Things Your Performance Management Process Might Be Missing
For any enterprise to succeed, everyone in that enterprise needs to meet certain performance standards. If these performance standards aren’t being met, then the business may fail to achieve the […]
Training Millennials in the Workplace to Fit into Your Org Structure
One challenge that some companies have come across in managing Millennials is integrating these younger, tech-savvy workers into your existing organizational structure. There are significant differences between these workers and […]
Tips for Managing Millennials to Keep Them from Leaving Your Workplace
As more and more Baby Boomers prepare to leave the workforce, many companies are scrambling to find suitable replacements for their most experienced workers. Being able to hold on to […]
3 Innovation Training Activities for Leading Teams
As a leader, setting up an innovation training course for your employees can be tough. Not only do you have to account for how employees access training resources (online video […]

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