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How to Manage Your Time So It Pays Off in Business
Time management is a critical skill that, ideally, leads to increased productivity. However, managing time is a lot easier said than done — including ensuring that you do not overload […]
Why You Should Embrace Your ‘Geekdom’
Today — Friday, July 13 — people around the world will celebrate Embrace Your Geekness Day. The holiday celebrates people who are into “geeky” activities, such as “dungeon games, comic […]
5 Best Exit Interview Questions to Ask Your Employees
Employees leaving is the reality for many businesses. According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), many organizations do not hold exit interviews — or, if they do, they don’t analyze […]
A Recap of Our New Content from June 2018
The Big Think+ team is thrilled to present 20 brand new videos! How does an astronaut bridge cultural divide? This month, take new perspectives on the interesting world we work […]
Radical vs. Disruptive Innovation: What They Mean for Organizations
Entrepreneurs and innovative businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to leverage existing technology or create an entirely new product or service market. In this way, innovation and […]
Effective Leadership for a Business in Fluctuation
In the middle of a publicity crisis, employee turnover, new leadership, or another business disruption, effective management that leads change serves as the calm in the storm. Solid management provides […]
Innovation is Too Essential for Businesses to Be Precious About
True innovation and design thinking do not necessarily originate only with the sequestered brain trust of a “skunkworks” research & development style team. Instead, it is the productive combination of […]
Effective Communication Techniques for Direct Communicators
In the Communication Styles Matrix, there are four basic styles of communicators: the Director, Expresser, Thinker, and Harmonizer. Typically, people are a combination of at least two communication styles—one “primary” […]
Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace for LGBT Pride Month
Diversity in the workplace is a critical attribute to any business, and it comes in different forms. At its core, diversity is about embracing people of different ages, races, genders, […]
Embracing Mindfulness for Men’s Health Month
Practicing mindfulness in the workplace is taking businesses and organizations around the world by storm. While some practice mindfulness techniques, others are more involved in the discipline of mindfulness meditation.
4 Tips for Better Brainstorming and Innovation
There are many areas of society and business that need creative solutions — where we need new ideas or new ways of doing old things. Coming up with innovative ideas […]
Preparing the Workforce for the Arrival of Generation Z
The workforce, which primarily currently consists of Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials, is now seeing the introduction of Generation Zers. Individuals who fall into the last category are typically […]

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